Friday, June 5, 2009

Homeward Bound Transport

We had planned to have two transports this week - one Homeward Bound transport through Mississippi State University (MSU) and one we were doing ourselves to Every Creature Counts (ECC) in Colorado. Unfortunately, we could not secure a second driver for the trip to Colorado, so we were forced to postpone. Not necessarily bad news, as we're planning a bigger trip to Colorado in a couple of weeks. For now, here are some of the lucky dogs that made it on the Homeward Bound transport.

Billy, with us for more than a year.

Jasper, a relative newcomer to Project Hope.

Wednesday, recently rescued from the Winona Pound.

Elaina, recently rescued from the Winona Pound.

Winfield, recently rescued from the Winona Pound.

Alexia and Brock (with tongue out), recently rescued from the Winona Pound.

Fauna, before and after. A hoarder kept her prisoner in a broken-down car.
Later, rescued from the car and at Project Hope


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