Weekly Report for July 23, 2008
From Doll:
Hi Everyone. It's been another packed week of amazing highs and flat out 'oh no' moments.
Phillip and Hayden help Rodney become acquainted with his new pasture. Rodney was discovered blind and wandering on his own. We want to thank Kelly, her vet clinic and the Carthage sale barn for rescuing Rodney and seeking our guardianship for this really sweet horse.
Phoenix came to us a few months back - picked up off the side of he road by a good Samaritan. Phoenix was either scaled with hot liquid or had a caustic substance poured on him. His back and and the back of his next had open wounds that were not very old. Fortunately, he arrived when the doctors from Mississippi State were here doing spay/neuter surgeries and they were able to look at him and treat him right away. It's been a tough recovery for him, but as you can see in the photo, he's doing much better and enjoying his time with us.
A young woman who works at the Grenada Cinema rescued Liz from a breeder who planned to shoot her because Liz failed to breed. Liz arrived Sunday, emaciated and starving. She's delightful and bonding with her new run mates, Roscoe and Lance.
Dr. Abernathy was here Tuesday evening to address a deep puncture Rodney received to his chest before arriving. While he was cleaning the wound and determining if there was danger to the artery beneath it, our neighbor, Candy, rushed an injured cat to us. The cat's bulging eye had turned a sickening brown. Doc took her back to the clinic with him. Candice, as we now know her, lost her eye, but is really enjoying the perks of our cattery.
Sanctuary life is as replete with the dark realities of rescue as the joys we experience. Adam and his sisters Melody and Coconut arrived at the Sanctuary about a week ago. Upon arrivel, they seemed fine, but unfortunately all three broke with parovirus on Monday. Just hours before we were relishing their new lease on life. Now the gnawing sorrow of knowing their short lives are gravely imperiled is so sad. We will do whatever we can to pull them through this, but brace ourselves for the possibility that despite our efforts this insidious virus may take them.
We've been treating a group of sick kittens at the sanctuary and at the direction of our veterinarian, have tried a number of medications, but nothing seems to have helped.
What may simply be a cold can also be FIP, chlamyda or another virus altogether. Tests for these diseases conclude only that a cat has been exposed to them - not that the cat is suffering the effects, so we're back to basics here and just administered penicillin to the kittens who've not improved with the other medications prescribed.
A couple of days ago Lauren discovered two abandoned pups beneath her porch and brought them in to the Sanctuary. 'Awesome' and 'Special' are doing better, but their condition was so grave initially that we placed them in quarantine.
We're still seeking aid for the dogs and cats in jeopardy at the hoarders we've been alerted to and the numerous horses reported to be neglected. Please contact doll@idausa.org, if you can help.
Two local communities have asked us for help in establishing shelter and care for their stray animals. We've promised guidance if their officials are willing and committed to following through with building facilities and establishing policies for humane capture and care.
We've also been asked for help for five big cats we've known for many years. Their faithful guardian has run into hard times and has not garnered support for his efforts and will likely
turn over guardianship of them to a more stable environment. The response we've received thus far has been very promising.
You may remember Billingsley from a report a couple of weeks back. Until we can create a safer enclosure for him, he's staying in with the 'grazers'. Billingsley has a nasty habit of jumping, and easily clearing, every fence on the property. He needs his exercise, so I often accompany him and the group of grazers on evening walks and on this early evening walk, the sky was absolutely beautiful. It's a really pretty time of the year at Hope Sanctuary - my favorite time of the year. The walks are a good chance to take a break and spend some quiet time with the dogs and just enjoy the scenery - if only for a little while.
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